Meet Our Team
2024-2025 Steering Committee
Joshlyn Crystal Adams is an accomplished Project Manager and Event planner/ producer who has over 15 years of experience and has worked collaboratively in community building in the non-profit event industry. She is a Leadership Newark alum and currently serves as a board member of Philips Academy Charter School. Joshlyn holds a Master of Arts in Hospitality Management from Fairleigh Dickinson University and is a wife and mother to three exceptional children.
Janet Arias-Martinez currently serves as Vice President and Community Relations Northeast Market Manager for Citi. She earned an MPA from Rutgers University and a BA from Ball State University. She has over twenty years of experience in nonprofit management, corporate social responsibility, and philanthropy.
Casey Carpenter, a graduate of Tufts University, has deep corporate roots in sales, leadership development, coaching, facilitation, and professional speaking. Now at the helm of her own enterprise, Speak & Own It Communications, Casey works with business leaders and organizations to bring more empathy into the workplace. A serial nonprofit volunteer, Casey holds leadership positions with United Way Women United, the Morris Chamber DEI Advisory Committee, the Montclair Art Museum, and she sits on the Board of the National Speakers Association, NYC Chapter. She has called Montclair, New Jersey home for the past 25 years.
Sunita Chaudhuri is a retired executive from J.P. Morgan Chase with over thirty-five years’ experience in various roles throughout the organization. She received an MBA in International Business from Thunderbird and BA in Business Economics from College of Wooster. She and her husband are long-time residents of Glen Ridge and have two grown children.
Amanda A. Ebokosia, recognized by Forbes as a Millennial on a Mission, is the Founder and CEO of The Gem Project, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Since 2006, The Gem Project has empowered over 3,500 high school and college students through service-learning and youth organizing focused on social justice. Amanda’s leadership has brought accolades from The White House and The City of Newark, and she was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list in Education.v Amanda holds a BA in Biological Sciences from Rutgers University – Newark and an MA in Youth Studies from CUNY School of Professional Studies.
Jill Edinburg is a graduate of Tufts University, and formerly worked as an environmental consultant in NYC for large commercial properties, corporations and universities, implementing recycling and waste reduction programs. Jill has always prioritized community service and has had a variety of volunteer roles while raising her children in Montclair for the past 12 years.
Sara Ann Erichson is a retired media executive having spent her career at Nielsen, the media measurement company. She is president of The Sedgewood Club, past president of Congregation Shomrei Emunah and an active volunteer for political candidates and causes. Sara Ann received a B.A. in Anthropology from Harvard University and lives in Montclair with her husband where they raised two sons.
Margo Greenfield is a retired public service labor lawyer and former special counsel to the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice. She sits on the boards of The Mustard Seed Fund and St. Stephen's Preschool and has served as a longstanding volunteer and former president of Family Promise of Essex County. She brings interest and experience in labor and employment, income inequality and community-based solutions.
Kelley Holland is the author of You Are Worthy, an award-winning guide to financial wellness for women, and recently retired as a financial wellness coach and keynote speaker. Previously, Kelley was a business and financial journalist with The New York Times, Business Week, and CNBC. Kelley has a graduate business degree from Yale and a BA from Amherst College. She is a member of the Governing Council of YaleWomen and a trustee of the Montclair Local, an independent local news organization. After 21 years raising her family in Montclair, she and her husband now live in Glen Ridge in their (mostly) empty nest.
Celia King serves as the chief executive officer for Leadership Newark, Inc., a non-profit organization in the State of New Jersey. Prior to assuming her current position, Celia worked in the field of healthcare as an administrator for more than 10 years, as a senior level executive with oversight in behavioral health services, substance abuse and ambulatory care. Celia is a former Councilwoman from Maplewood, New Jersey, serving for 8 years. During her tenure she served in the capacity of Deputy Mayor for 4 years.
Elisabeth King is the director of communications and marketing at the Lycée Français de New York. She has worked hand-in-hand with the Head of School and Board of Trustees to guide the school community through crisis, strategic planning, accreditation, a new building, renewed mission, core values and brand identity. With a 20-year career spanning nonprofits, news, and business-to-business marketing, she has honed an approach to her work with an essential focus: elevating voices from across constituencies to advance missions and strengthen community.
Malini Lakhani is a Technical Management professional, having worked primarily for major Aerospace companies. She has been an active volunteer and engaged in community service for many years. Malini has a Masters in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California, and has made New Jersey her home after growing up in California.
Helen Mazarakis is a writer with a background in community and organizational development. She chairs the Board of the BRICK Education Network in Newark, the Advisory Committee of the Trust for Public Land NJ, and the Advisory Committee of the GreenLight Fund Greater Newark. Helen has lived in Montclair for 25 years and is navigating life with an empty nest.
Rahmat Muhammad has over 20 years of experience across the United States and Africa and holds degrees from Boston University and MIT. Rahmat’s professional experience includes six years at Deloitte US, where she supported projects related to corporate strategy, organizational restructuring, and technology implementation. As a Senior Manager, she oversaw the financial performance of projects to ensure profitability and strategic alignment. Additionally, as Chief of Staff, she was instrumental in driving efficient operations and strategic initiatives. When she’s not traveling for work, Rahmat resides in Newark, NJ with her family.
Katrine Singhbaba is a passionate educator and social justice advocate who serves as a coach for The Gem Project and an adjunct professor of Communication at Seton Hall University. She also teaches middle and high school English Language Arts virtually to a local public charter school in Kaua’i, HI. Katrine holds a B.A. in English Literature from Drew University and an M.A. in The Teaching of English from Columbia University’s Teachers College.
Kristin Stuek worked in marketing for over 15 years in the industries of hospitality, consumer-packaged goods, and energy. Kristin currently serves on the board for CUMAC and is also a member of Impact100 Garden State where she previously volunteered for roles of increasing leadership in Grant Operations. She earned an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a BA in Hotel and Restaurant Administration from Washington State University. Originally from the state of Washington, Kristin moved to New Jersey in 2000 and currently lives with her husband and their two children in Morristown.
Ritu Trivedi has over 20 years of experience in advertising agencies and is currently Executive Director at Mindshare leading multiple global accounts. She has a Master’s degree in Advertising from Syracuse University. She is on the advisory boards of many organizations including Own The Room, 212 NY advertising trade organization and Ad Council. Originally from India, she has made NJ her home and lives with her husband, 2 kids and a dog in Montclair.
Anne Zakin came to NJ from Chicago in 2017. She was president of a boutique Italian wine importer and spent 25 years organizing the business, traveling, buying, selling and enjoying fine wine. Recently, she has gratefully become involved with Impact100 where she brings communication, energy, and managerial skills to the organization’s mission and outreach.
Our Committees 2024-2025
Sunita Chaudhuri & Kelley Holland
Communications Committee.
Member updates, social media, website & marketing
Be a Poster. Send out occasional tweets and Facebook/Instagram posts.
Be a Surveyor. Once or twice a year solicit input from members.
Be a Writer of our press releases
Chairs: Sara Ann Erichson & Ritu Trivedi
DEI (DIversity, Equity & Inclusion) Action Committee.
Recognize and remove bias and barriers in our Impact100 work
Chairs: Janet Arias-Martinez & Casey Carpenter
Governance Committee.
Strategic planning, policy review & leadership development
Chairs: Margo Greenfield & Elisabeth King
Grants Committee.
Grant Design, Management, Review & Administration
Be a Reviewer. Sign up for training and a grant review session.
Be the Green Eyeshade. The Finance Committee meets once to review the semi-finalists.
Be a Liaison. Support and Check in on our Grantees.
Chairs: Jill Edinburg & Kristin Stuek
Malini Lakhani
Rahmat Muhammad
Member Engagement Committee.
Plan Member Events, Recruit New Members, Info Sessions
Be a Planner of workshops, volunteer sessions & member events. Choose topics, speakers, dates and spaces.
Be a Day-Of Worker. Last minute scrambles, set up and take down.
Be a Host. Invite potential members to an info session. Invite your friends and we’ll provide speaker and materials.
Be an Ambassador. Personal calls to engage new members
Be an Explorer. Enlist women from towns with no members.
Chairs: Anne Zakin & Crystal Adams
At-Large Steering Committee Member(s)
Amanda Ebokosia, Celia King, Katrine Singhbaba
Governance Principles
Impact100 Essex (“Impact”) seeks to engage women in collective giving, to provide transformative grants to organizations that serve a diversity of people and communities addressing the needs of underserved (or under-resourced) communities in Essex County, NJ, and to spur local non-profits to dream big – and succeed!
Impact is committed to developing a diverse decision-making body involving women of different races, ethnicities, sexual orientation, abilities, ages, interests, perspectives and experience, who are reflective of the many communities that make up Essex County, and to issuing regular updates to Impact members reporting on the status of recruitment, outreach, grant applications, training, finances, and coming events.
Steering Committee:
A Steering Committee will lead Impact, and is responsible for establishing organization policy and ensuring adherence to the Impact mission. The Steering Committee also leads the work of committees managing recruitment, member engagement, communications, grants, governance and nominating, diversity equity and inclusion, and such other functions as circumstances warrant. Each such committee will ideally have two chairpersons who serve for a three-year term.
Two co-Conveners will be elected by the Steering Committee from among the Steering Committee membership (or former Steering Committee members) to each serve for a three-year term. The co-Conveners will be responsible for scheduling and chairing Steering Committee meetings and setting the agendas for each such meeting. No Convener may serve more than one three-year term, however, a Convener may be elected to serve an additional term after a hiatus of at least one year. If a Convener’s three-year term does not overlap with her three-year term on the Steering Committee, the Convener’s term ‘restarts’ when she assumes that role.
Each former Convener will be invited to attend Steering Committee meetings in a non-voting “emerita” capacity for a period of one year following the expiration of her term as a Convener. For each of Margo Greenfield and Helen Mazarakis, as Impact Founders, the invitation period will be extended to three years following the expiration of their respective terms as a Convener. In each case, any invitation to a former co-Convener or Founder to attend a Steering Committee meeting will be extended subject to the discretion of the then current co-Conveners.
The number of members of the Steering Committee will be an odd number of not more than 17, with the actual number to be fixed by the Steering Committee from time to time. The 17 members include:
2 Conveners
1 Treasurer
1 Secretary
2 Committee Chairs from each of the following committees (or if any such committee has only one Chair, then one Chair and one Member at Large from that committee):
Membership Engagement;
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
Grants; and
The remainder are Members at Large
Nominations. The Nominating Committee is comprised of at least eight members, including:
one of the two Conveners or her designee;
one Chair of the Grants Committee or her designee;
one Chair of the DEI Committee or her designee;
two Chairs of the Governance Committee or their designee(s);
two Chairs of the Membership and Events Committee or their designee(s); and
at least one active Impact member who does not serve on the Steering Committee.
The Nominating Committee will solicit input from the various committees, Steering Committee members, and Impact members to fill any vacancies on the Steering Committee in accordance with these principles. Any Impact member may nominate herself or any other member to fill such vacancy. The Nominating Committee will review all such nominations and develop a list of candidates to fill the applicable vacancies (referred to as the “slate”).
Steering Committee (continued):
Election. The slate will be distributed to the general members 6 weeks prior to the annual meeting of general members. The election of each Steering Committee member will be approved by a majority of the votes actually cast in such election. Votes will be due and tallied 2 weeks prior to the annual meeting of general members and the results of the election will be announced at such meeting. The term of office of any member of the Steering Committee will begin on the date of the first Steering Committee meeting following the annual meeting of general members.
Meetings; Quorum; Voting. Steering Committee meetings will be held at least 9 times per year, one of which will constitute the annual meeting of the Steering Committee, on such days and at such times and places as may be designed by the Conveners with at least 10 days’ notice to the Steering Committee members. Members of the Steering Committee may participate in any meeting by means of conference call or any other means of communication by which all persons participating in the meeting are able to hear each other, and may vote electronically.
The Steering Committee will be and is divided into three classes, as nearly equal in number as possible, designated as follows: Class I, Class II, and Class III, each of which will hold office for a term of three years. In the case of any increase or decrease, from time to time, in the number of Steering Committee members, the number of Steering Committee members in each class will be divided as nearly equal as possible. No decrease in the number of Steering Committee members will shorten the term of any member.
The term of each Steering Committee member will continue until the election and qualification of a successor and be subject to such Steering Committee member’s earlier death, resignation or removal. Ideally, no two committee chairs (including the two Conveners) will serve in the same Class.
No member of the Steering Committee may serve more than two consecutive three-year terms, however, a member of the Steering Committee may be elected to serve additional terms after a one-year hiatus. In addition, a member may be selected to fill a vacancy on the Steering Committee as set forth under “Vacancies” below for less than a full term. If the remaining period in that replacement term is less than one year, the member selected to fill that vacancy is still eligible to serve for two three-year Steering Committee terms following the expiration of her replacement term.
Impact is committed to a horizontal management structure and consensus-based decision-making standard to ensure flexibility. The participation of at least a majority of members of the Steering Committee (including at least one Convener) will constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at each Steering Committee meeting. At each meeting of the Steering Committee, each member will have one vote, and all matters before the meeting will be determined by a majority vote of members present at such meeting where a quorum is present. In particular, the Steering Committee must approve disbursements in excess of $1,000.
Vacancies. Should a member of the Steering Committee resign or cease to serve for any other reason prior to the expiration of her term, the Nominating Committee will provide recommendations for another general member of Impact to fill that individual’s role on an interim basis for the remainder of the term of such resigning Steering Committee member. The Steering Committee will take up such recommendations and vote to seat new Steering Committee members at the next Steering Committee meeting after receipt of such nomination on an interim basis, until the next scheduled election of such seat.
We will regularly review our operating and governance policies to promote the engagement of members and the non-profit community supporting local under-served communities.